Kronen Gewa 5000 V
Washing machine GEWA 5000V PLUS with vibration outfeed (product outfeed over vibration screen) for bigger capacities, for example approx. 600-2500 kg per hour, depending on the product.
Efficient and gentle washing of lettuces, vegetables and fruit by means of adjustable water rotation.
HELICAL wash system
The KRONEN HELICAL washing system permits the product to pass through the washing tank along an adjustable water spiral, which means a distance of approximately four times the length of the wash tank itself.
Compact and modular construction
The GEWA washing machines assembly is modular. This allows our machines to adapt to different production requirements and conditions, for example changing the discharge system from vibration to belt conveyor, or installing a new air bubble system on an existing machine. Mounting new optional devices to existing machines can be done by yourself or by our trained service team.
Sand trap
Heavy dirt particles (like small stones) and sand are removed from the product flow and settled separately in the sand trap, at the bottom of the wash tank. Thus we avoid the sand particles returning to the product flow.
Cleaning and maintenance
All pipes, pump cases, wash and pump tanks as well as covers and control panels are manufactured in AISI 304 stainless steel. Furthermore, KRONEN machines have been designed caring specially about:
• simple maintenance
• easy and efficient cleaning
• low operating costs
Insect and fines removal system
The insect and fines removal system are available in two versions:
- A removable, static basket-like insert, for cut and not delicate products
- Motorized drum, in addition to delicate products and whole leaves. The insect removing drum can be easily lifted out of the washing tank (for example for cleaning). As opposed to other systems, KRONEN insect removal drum is conceived open and easily accessible for cleaning and service. The device meets the highest industry standards and safety regulations.
Lateral fines removal drum
The lateral fines removal drum allows continuous washing with GEWA Plus machines, without ever blocking the filters on top of the pump tank – even on foamy products and products with a high quantity of fines. The fines drum has a 0.5 mm opening wedge wire and filters circulating wash water, protecting the GEWA water pumps from particles. Water flows through the filter drum back to the pump tank. A scraper removes all retained particles from the drum's filter surface.
This fines drum can be easily tilted over and taken out completely from its fixtures to allow cleaning. The device is driven by the same type of motor used on the insect removal drum, which simplifies spare parts inventory.
WMS (Water Management System)
The KRONEN WMS allows centrally controlled filling and emptying of the washing machines. During operation, there is a fill level sensor to adjust automatically the water level in the tank. If the water level is too low, pneumatic valves will open automatically to add fresh water to the GEWA.
The standard system has two valves for filling and two valves for emptying the machine, as well as the necessary piping. WMS is operated from the GEWA control panel. We can offer special versions at customer requests.
NEW sand trap funnel for sandy products
The new sand trap funnel is a worthwhile addition to the GEWA PLUS washing machines for washing sandy produces like lamb’s lettuce and also sprouts (separation of non-germinated seeds). Extremely sandy and dirty products will be washed gently and efficiently.
The sand trap funnel is able to absorb 192 l of the sand/water mixture. The sand trap funnel can be discharged either by the manual opening of a ball valve or can be discharged automatically by means of a pneumatic valve in combination with the WMS (water management system). Settings such as the cycle of opening, opening period, etc. can be done at the switch box, thus an automatic and regular discharge takes place.
The filter strainer is available in various perforations for product and customer-specific applications.
Air system
The KRONEN air system allows taking advantage of the HELICAL washing system in combination with the advantages of the floatation washing systems. Air is blown through pipes with multiple perforations which can easily be installed anytime into the wash tank, creating air bubbles in the water. This combination of minimum water flow intensity and the air bubbles system leads to better overall washing quality and product care. Especially when used for delicate products, such as whole leaves or some difficult products such as parsley, Lollo type lettuce and baby leaves.
WRS (Water recycling system)
KRONEN water recycling system is used on washing lines consisting of at least two machines. Excess water coming from the second washing machine is brought back to the first washing machine, reducing significantly the overall water consumption. We do this, knowing the fact that the first tank has a generally bigger concentration of dirt and germs than the second tank, enabling freshwater to enter only at the second machine, renewing the whole water cycle from there.